Representing small business owners across all industries, we’ve noticed several common trends among great leaders. Specifically, the habits that create the perfect recipe for success. When good habits become good routines, you’re sure to be on the fast track to good things ahead. We’ve assembled a list of five habits of successful business owners. Hopefully you’ll notice the habits you formed long ago and learn something new at the same time.

1) Delegate

There are only so many hours in the day, and likewise only so many tasks you can do alone. Make use of your team and delegate. Delegation is an art. It requires a solid understanding of every member of your team. Delegate tasks to those who will excel at them, and you’ll create a work culture that’s always ready to take on new challenges. Plus, you’ll save yourself time, energy, money, and a whole lot of headaches.

2) Prioritize Your Time and Actions

Time management is another crucial component of effective business management. Set a schedule and stick to it. In most cases, that means leaving time for unexpected interruptions. That buffer will help you stay on top of your work. Not everything is equally important. Organize your tasks in order of priority and finish the most important first. Getting them cleared away will serve you well in both the short- and long-term.

3) Capitalize Your Capital

Your business’s capital can take many forms and is unique to you and your industry. Make sure the quality of your entire business is exceptionally high, and upgrade your infrastructure frequently. You can only be as strong as your products and services— let them speak for themselves!

4) Identify Efficiencies and Inefficiencies

Be aware of how efficient your processes are. How is information shared between departments? How are quality checks performed? What are the hiring and client onboarding processes like? No matter how good your processes are, there’s always room for improvement. Similarly, be watchful for inefficient processes. This could be anything from an uncooperative employee, an expensive and underused piece of equipment, or a task management system that no longer meets your requirements. Streamline your processes—and trim the fat as you go!

5) Look to the Future

Where do you see your business going? Consider what’s working that makes your business a success, and what could be scaled back. Think about increases in service areas, inventories, expansions, and growth in general. An entrepreneur with a keen sense of the present and an eye on the future is sure to be successful.